Sign Up For Free Mental Golf Tips Below and Lower Your Score

"Hey Mike, Yesterday I was having a really, really awful practice session, shanking, slicing, pulling, really ran the whole gamut of bad practice. Very frustrated, and I was ready to quit when your mental tip of 'How To Stop Thinking' passed through my mind.

"I applied the breathing technique and watching the ball being hit and as usual you were right on. Didn't hit anything but laser shots, all on the sweet spot after that and it felt really good. AMAZING, you are a genius. Thanks"

- Tom Brown

Start Your Journey to Lower Scores with Michael Anthony's Free Mental Golf Tips

My free mental golf tip newsletter will provide great insights into how to improve your mental game and serve as a weekly reminder for you to keep working on improving your mental game as a way to lower your score. Plus, you will be able to email me questions about your mental game and you will see my answers to your questions in my newsletter emails. IF you use The Mental Keys Training Program, your scores will fall.

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Please CHECK the box below this form to give us permission to email you my free golf mental tips that will help you to lower your score. After you check the box, click the Sign Up button below. Next step is to read the testimonials from happy golfers that have lowered their score using The Mental Keys Training Program.  Play well and Enjoy your lower scores.
P.S. Please CHECK the Box that gives me permission to email you my mental tip newsletter, otherwise Constant Contact my mail manager will not be allowed to email you my free mental tip newsletter. Thanks, Michael Anthony